Wrangling sales data

This week’s lab will introduce you to data transformations using the dplyr library, which is loaded as part of tidyverse. To keep things from becoming too complicated, we practice these commands on a small, synthetic dataset that represents sales of office supplies.

What is “data wrangling”?

The previous lab focused on constructing visualizations using the ggplot2 library. The dataset used for that lab, the galton dataset, was selected because it was relatively small in size and could be visualized in interesting ways without the need for additional processing. It would certainly be nice if all datasets came in such a form! However, in reality, many datasets need cleaning and to be transformed before you can create a meaningful visualization or answer a question. The dataset need not even be messy; datasets that have been preprocessed and are clean and tidy still may require transformations. The full pipeline for obtaining data, cleaning it up, and transforming it is informally referred to as “data wrangling”, which is summarized in the figure from R for Data Science below:

plot of chunk data-wrangling-figure

We start with the transform part of the data wrangling pipeline, which relies on commands that are part of the dplyr package, itself part of tidyverse. Like many of the functions available in the tidyverse, the command names provide us with clues as to what they do. If you have any prior experience with spreadsheeting software such as Microsoft Excel, you will probably find the commands in dplyr to be familiar.

About this week’s dataset

This is a synthetic dataset that contains sales data of office supplies to different regions of the United States. The dataset is stored in the variable office_supplies.


This is a tabular dataset with 43 observations on the following variables:

Variable Type Description
order_date date The date the office supplies order was placed
region chr Shipping region in United States
representative chr Name of sales representative
item chr Item ordered
units int How many units of item were sold
unit_price dbl Price per unit of item

Like in previous labs, it’s recommended that you take a first look at the dataset by viewing it by running View(office_supplies) in your Console window.

Subsetting over variables

Let’s start with the select() function. The select() function selects columns from a dataset, which is useful when you’re working with a dataset that contains dozens of variables.

  1. Try running the following code:

    office_supplies %>%

    Based on the output, explain what happens when you run this command.

    Try putting an additional column name inside the parentheses of the select() command (don’t forget the comma!). What does this do?

The strange looking symbol %>% is called the pipe, and it is a handy way to pass a dataset through a chain of commands.

There are multiple ways to specify columns with the select() command. Let’s explore a couple of those ways.

  1. Copy the code you wrote in Exercise 1 and replace representative with representative:unit_price. What does the colon : do?

    Next, try putting a minus sign in front of the column names, such as -representative or -representative:-unit_price. How does the minus sign affect the output?

Sorting data

The sort operation is a common and indispensible operation for organizing data, and the function from dplyr that allows us to sort is called arrange(). arrange() sorts columns with textual data (chr data type) into alphabetical order and sorts numerical data into numerical order. Try running the following code:

  1. Run the following code:

    office_supplies %>%
      arrange(region, item)

    Based on the output, does it look like both the region and item columns were sorted? Which column was sorted first? What happens if you reverse the order of the columns in your code snippet?

By default, arrange() will sort data in ascending order. The function desc() can be used to sort in descending order, and we can mix-and-match which columns are ascending and which columns as descending.

  1. Sort using the variable order_date. Then, make a copy of the code block you just wrote and then wrap the column name with desc(), like so: desc(order_date). Verify that desc() sorted the data in the reverse order.

    Copy the starting code from the previous example, and adapt it so that region is sorted in ascending order and item is sorted in descending order. Write it down and get the output.

Transforming data

Let’s now try an example that uses the mutate() function, which is a little more complex. mutate() lets us transform our dataset by applying the same operation to each row in the dataset and appending the results as a new column. This would allow you to create a new column in your dataset called total_price that contains the toal price of each order.

  1. To calculate the total price of an order, we need to multiply the number of units sold by the unit price across each row. Do this by running the following mutate() command:

    office_supplies %>%
      mutate(total_price = units * unit_price)

    After confirming that the above command works, copy this code into a new code block and remove total_price = from the function input. Does the code still run? If so, what (if anything) is different in the output? What if you ran mutate(final_price = units * unit_price)?

    Based on these outputs, describe what the total_price = part of the command seems to be doing.

We are not limited to only one input at a time in mutate(). As long as we separate each input by a comma, we can put as many inputs as we want in the mutate() function!

  1. Starting again with this example,

    office_supplies %>%
      mutate(total_price = units * unit_price)

    modify it so that there’s a second input in mutate(), shipping_date = order_date + 2. Does this add another column? What has happened by adding the number 2 to the rows in the order_date column?

Immutable datasets

It’s worth pausing for a moment and asking whether any of these commands are permanently changing the way the dataset looks in office_supplies. Inspect your dataset using View(office_supplies) to check.

  1. Based on what you observe, has the data frame in office_supplies been updating with each command, or is it unchanged?

    As a comparison, run the command office_supplies_updated <- mutate(office_supplies, total_price = units * unit_price) and print out whatever’s in office_supplies_updated. Has the change stuck now?

Filtering data

Next up is the filter() function, which provides a ruled-based way to keep a subset of rows and remove the rest. Here we just consider rules that are simple comparisons, which involve the symbols:

  • >: greater than
  • >=: greater than or equal to
  • <: less than
  • <=: less than or equal to
  • !=: not equal
  • ==: equal

So, for example, a comparison rule that would show us all items that cost more than 16 dollars per unit would be unit_price > 16. A comparison rule that would find all rows with the representative Susan would be representative == "Susan" (if you are testing for equality with a column of chr type, then you need to surround any words or values in the column with quotation marks "like so". )

  1. Give the filter() function a try by running the following two code blocks:

    office_supplies %>%
      filter(unit_price > 16)
    office_supplies %>%
      filter(representative == "Susan")

    After running the above code, figure out how to write a single line of filter() code that shows us all the items sold by Susan that cost more than 16 dollars. You should be able to do this based on what we’ve seen so far with the other tidyverse commands

Using filter() is a lot like running an advanced search on a data base, and gives us a convenient way to quickly look up and inspect subsets of data.

  1. Write a filter that shows us all the sales that involved the item “Pen Set”.

Data aggregation

It is common to want to summarize the information contained within a dataset, such as computing sums and averages, or counting how many data points belong to different groups. This is called data aggregation, as it aggregates many data points together and uses them to compute a cetain quantity. We perform data aggregation in R by using the commands group_by() and summarize(), which frequently show up as a pair.

The group_by() command is applied to one or more columns, and allows you create groups that share common values in a column of categorical data. The summarize() command can be used when you want to do things like calculate the average number of units sold by each representative, or calculate the gross earnings of each item.

  1. group_by() and summarize() are functions that are easier to understand using examples. First, run this example where we use mean() to calculate the average of a column:

    office_supplies %>%
      group_by(representative) %>%
      summarize(avg_units_sold = mean(units))

    Which representative sold the most units on average?

    Let’s run another example where we add together the numbers in a column using sum():

    office_supplies %>%
      mutate(total_price = units * unit_price) %>%
      group_by(item) %>%
      summarize(gross_earnings = sum(total_price))

    Which item brought in the most gross earnings?

Small changes to how we group our data can have a big impact on what our summary tables look like. This gives us a lot of flexibility in aggregating our data for analysis.

  1. Take the second code example from Exercise 10 and modify it so that it groups over two variables instead of one:

    office_supplies %>%
      mutate(total_price = units * unit_price) %>%
      group_by(item, region) %>%
      summarize(gross_earnings = sum(total_price))

    How did this change the summary table from what you obtained in Exercise 10? Interpret the table you get as output.

Additional questions

  • The company wishes to expand their sales to include a new region, Canada. Doing this would require converting the unit prices from US dollars to Canadian Dollars. The current conversion rate is 1 US Dollar = 1.29 Canadian Dollars. So, for example, an item that costs 2.99 US Dollars would convert to \(2.99 \times 1.29 = 3.86\) Canadian Dollars. Using the mutate() function, write a code snippet that converts the unit price in US Dollars into Canadian Dollars and stores the result in a new column named unit_price_canadian.

  • Take the 2nd code example you ran in exercise 10 and assign it to a variable, like so:

    items_gross_earnings <- office_supplies %>%
      mutate(total_price = units * unit_price) %>%
      group_by(item) %>%
      summarize(gross_earnings = sum(total_price))

    Use items_gross_earnings to create a bar chart visualization of the gross earnings per item.

    Hint: You will want to use geom_col() for this.

How to submit

When you are ready to submit, be sure to save, commit, and push your final result so that everything is synchronized to Github. Then, navigate to your copy of the Github repository you used for this assignment. You should see your repository, along with the updated files that you just synchronized to Github. Confirm that your files are up-to-date, and then do the following steps:

  • Click the Pull Requests tab near the top of the page.

  • Click the green button that says “New pull request”.

  • Click the dropdown menu button labeled “base:”, and select the option starting.

  • Confirm that the dropdown menu button labeled “compare:” is set to master.

  • Click the green button that says “Create pull request”.

  • Give the pull request the following title: Submission: Lab 3, FirstName LastName, replacing FirstName and LastName with your actual first and last name.

  • In the messagebox, write: My lab report is ready for grading @jkglasbrenner.

  • Click “Create pull request” to lock in your submission.


This lab is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Exercises and instructions written by James Glasbrenner for CDS-102.